“Do you think you will want your Great Grandmother’s grandfather clock? And what about the roll top desk? Your Grandad wanted you to have that.”
“ Yes, I like the idea. Not sure of the cost of transporting them to Australia. And they would have to stay in storage, because the house we live in is single storey, open plan and really quite small. So they might be in storage for quite a long while.”
I’m in the mood to sort things out and pass things on.
The van from Renewal has just left. It’s a Christian charity based just round the corner from us in Shaw Heath. They take donations of furniture and sell it on to fund their work supporting people who have been long term unemployed. They help people to get their lives back.
Renewal have taken half a dozen items, but some they can’t take. They can’t pass them on. Fashions change. A friend of mine who deals in antiques, says no-one wants brown furniture. You know, the sort your Grandma had – wardrobes, chests of drawers, dressing tables – all beautifully made and polished. But out of date.
I suppose that “letting go” is “letting go”. I may be in the mood to sort things out, but I can’t insist on what goes where and who gets what. That would be “hanging on”. St. Paul urges us to run the race with patience – and he doesn’t say it’s a relay race!
Chris Dawson