Our lives are told in stories. The stories we tell ourselves, the stories told to us by others, by newspapers, television, the internet and social media. We are bombarded with stories. Some we listen to, some we ignore, some are soon forgotten. But others make an impression on us. We reflect on them, discuss them, share them with others.
Recently I have been reflecting on how I receive other people’s stories, their tales, reminiscences and memories. Stories are about connection and connection is about listening. I know the theory! But too often I am not really listening. I am preparing to comment, explain, rationalise, speculate, or to top their experience with one of my own.
This time of year is a time when we tell stories. We recall, we reminisce and we remember times past. We make resolutions and tell ourselves how we are going to do things differently in the year to come. Such a time can be a time of connection and fellowship. It can also be a time of disconnection and rivalry.
The Christmas story has it all. We move through the joy of Jesus’ birth, shared and celebrated by the shepherds and honoured by the Magi, to the insecurity of Herod, the flight into Egypt and the murder of the Innocents.
Chris Dawson