Sunday Clubs

Join us for Sunday Club at 10:15 on most Sundays

Due to the coronavirus restrictions, we are not in a position to meet for Sunday Club at the moment but we can offer a safe haven for children and their families in the Children’s corner where there are a reduced amount of toys and some colouring pages to occupy little ones. We are asking people to do their best to social distance.


During the 10:15am Sunday serviceWe leave to go to the Parish rooms just after the notices, returning in time for communion.


There are three different age groups. All children from age 3 to 15 are welcome.


Sunday Clubs are run by approved volunteers who explore the Bible, with stories, games, craft activities, prayer and song.

Our latest programme can be found here!
Sunday Club Summer 2017

For more details contact

Or speak to one of the team in church; ask for Louise, Eliza or Lois

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