I caught up recently with a friend for our annual meet-up. We worked at the same school for part of our careers, some 30 years ago. We ate, we walked, we talked. We caught up with family news and reminisced. In the course of our conversation, she asked me, “ What was the highlight of your career?” and I couldn’t give an answer.
Strangely, I had been reflecting on this topic after hearing, not for the first time, that the owner of X (formerly Twitter!) is the richest man in the world. I suppose that most of us would describe that as “an achievement”. And into my head had come the question, “What is your greatest achievement?” Again, I didn’t have an answer.
On further reflection, I realised that the word “achievement” was taking me down the path of “doing”, rather than “being”. Then it clicked, the highlights of my career and of my life are many – even daily – in there amongst the challenges and the downturns. And they are all about “being”. All about relationship. How I am with myself and how I am with other people.
Theologian Paul Tillich famously described God as “the ground of being”. Jesus taught us that it was through a loving relationship with ourselves and with our neighbour that we connect with that ground of our being.
Chris Dawson