Category Archives: Uncategorized
Free Speech
I don’t know much about Elon Musk, except that he has something to do with Tesla electric cars, wants to go into space and has recently put in a bid to buy Twitter. I don’t know much about social media … Continue reading
Celebration is Connection
Celebrating on our own feels a little empty. It’s something we do together with family, friends or the wider community. Remembering and rejoicing together. Human beings are made for connection. When we are connected we thrive. Disconnected we wither. In … Continue reading
Rhythms and Rituals
For indigenous communities rituals have always bound their communities together, helped them to celebrate, to mourn and to mark rites of passage and changes in status. It has helped with coming to terms with the joys and challenges of life … Continue reading
Who Am I?
On a walk through Bramall Park earlier this week, I found myself studying the trees. I noticed how many there were, the texture of their trunks and the angles at which some of them were leaning. I noticed too the … Continue reading
Boundaries Apparently at some venues comedians readily use members of the audience as material for their jokes. They thereby cross a boundary between audience and performer. Crossing boundaries can be hazardous for all concerned. At the recent Oscar award ceremony … Continue reading
Puzzling It Out
Do you like puzzling things out? Have you joined the Wordle craze? National Daily papers have pages of puzzles and the weekly papers even more. The Stockport Express has fourteen pages of Brain Teasers each week, including a crossword puzzle … Continue reading
“Do I have to? Yes, I know that the Israelites are suffering under Pharaoh, but Aaron’s a much better speaker than I am. Much more persuasive. Send him. I’m not eloquent. I stumble over my words. Pharaoh won’t listen to … Continue reading
Inflicting Damage, Bringing Peace
What would it have taken for you to become a member of the secret police, a KGB Officer in the old Soviet Union? What would be success in your eyes? What attitude would you have had to have towards other … Continue reading
Uncommon Humanity
Human beings have an instinctive suspicion of the outsider, of those who are not like us, of those outside our tribe. We are particularly suspicious of those who commit crimes. Putting them in prison help us to feel safe. It … Continue reading
Self-reliance or Mutual Support?
The Stockport County match day programme is an interesting read. Not only does it give information about the County players and the club, it gives information about the visiting side, its history and something about the place they come from. … Continue reading